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HACCP Principles Have 7 Steps: Here’s What They Are

In food safety, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a key method for preventing risks and ensuring food is safe from the start of production to when it’s consumed. This systematic approach is not just a regulatory requirement but a global standard that underscores the importance of controlling physical, chemical, and biological hazards in food production. 

Understanding the 7 steps of HACCP principles is crucial for anyone involved in the food industry, from farm to fork. This blog aims to demystify these principles, offering a deep dive into each step and illustrating how they collectively form the backbone of a robust food safety management system.

#1: Conduct a Hazard Analysis

The first step in the HACCP system involves conducting a thorough hazard analysis. This process requires identifying potential hazards that could affect food safety within the production process. Hazards can be biological, like bacteria and viruses; chemical, such as toxins and allergens; or physical, including foreign objects like metal shards or bone fragments. 

Understanding these hazards is pivotal in developing an effective HACCP plan, as it sets the stage for identifying which aspects of the process need to be controlled to ensure food safety. A comprehensive hazard analysis not only identifies potential dangers but also assesses their severity and the likelihood of their occurrence. 

#2: Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs)

Identifying Critical Control Points (CCPs) is the second principle of HACCP. CCPs are stages in the food production process where control can be applied to prevent, eliminate, or reduce food safety hazards to acceptable levels. Not every step in the process will be a CCP; identifying these points requires a deep understanding of the operation, the hazards identified in the first step, and how control measures can influence the safety of the final product.

Determining CCPs is a critical exercise in risk management, requiring the application of scientific principles and food safety knowledge. It involves analysing each step of the production process, from raw material handling to the final product, and identifying where controls are essential for food safety.

#3: Establish Critical Limits

Once CCPs are identified, the next step is to establish critical limits for each control point. A critical limit is a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical, or physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate, or reduce the occurrence of a food safety hazard to an acceptable level. These limits are based on scientific standards and regulatory requirements and are essential for the effective monitoring of CCPs.

Critical limits might include temperature thresholds, pH levels, moisture content, and other measurable parameters that can be monitored to ensure control measures are effective. Establishing precise, verifiable critical limits is fundamental to the HACCP system’s success, providing clear targets for food safety management.

#4: Establish Monitoring Procedures

Monitoring procedures are essential to the HACCP system, serving as the eyes and ears of the operation. These procedures involve establishing how CCPs will be monitored to ensure that each remains within its critical limits. Effective monitoring is continuous and provides real-time data, allowing for immediate corrective actions if critical limits are breached.

The frequency and methods of monitoring will vary depending on the nature of the CCP and the operation’s scale. Whether it’s checking temperatures, observing processing conditions, or testing product samples, monitoring must be designed to detect loss of control effectively and efficiently.

#5: Establish Corrective Actions

Even with the best planning, deviations from critical limits can occur. Establishing corrective actions is about planning for these instances, defining clear steps to be taken when monitoring indicates a CCP is not under control. Corrective actions ensure that no product that may be unsafe is released and that the CCP is brought back under control.

Corrective actions can vary, from discarding affected products to reprocessing or adjusting processes to regain control. The key is to have predefined actions that are specific, effective, and verifiable, ensuring that when a deviation occurs, it can be addressed promptly and effectively.

#6: Establish Verification Procedures

Verification procedures are the checks and balances of the HACCP system, designed to confirm that the system is working effectively. This principle involves conducting activities that verify the HACCP plan is scientifically and technically sound, all elements of the plan are being followed, and the plan effectively controls food safety hazards.

Verification activities can include reviewing CCP records, validating critical limits, and auditing the HACCP system. These activities provide confidence that the food safety management system is functioning as intended, ensuring the production of safe food.

#7: Establish Record-Keeping and Documentation Procedures

The final principle of HACCP focuses on the importance of keeping detailed records and documentation. Effective record-keeping tracks the operation of the HACCP plan, providing evidence that food safety controls are in place and functioning correctly. Documentation includes the HACCP plan itself, records of hazard analyses, CCP monitoring records, records of corrective actions taken, and verification activities.

Good documentation practices are not just a regulatory requirement; they’re a cornerstone of food safety management, enabling traceability, accountability, and continuous improvement within the HACCP system.

Step Up Your Food Safety Game

Understanding and implementing the 7 principles of HACCP is not just about compliance; it’s about commitment—a commitment to food safety, quality, and consumer protection. These principles provide a structured approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling food safety hazards, empowering businesses to produce safe, high-quality food products. As we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities within the food industry, let’s remember that at the heart of HACCP is a simple yet powerful goal: to protect public health and ensure the integrity of our food supply. 

To gain accredited qualifications in HACCP, consider enrolling yourself and your staff in the Level 2 HACCP course by Essential Food Hygiene. This affordable online course is designed to equip learners with the complete knowledge necessary to put HACCP into practice in your food business.