Where Must First Aid Incidents Be Recorded? (Answered)

First aid is a critical response in any injury situation, and its effectiveness can be significantly impacted by how incidents are recorded and managed. For businesses and organisations in the UK, understanding where and how to record these incidents is not just a matter of best practise but a legal requirement. This blog post will explore the UK-specific guidelines and legal obligations for recording first aid incidents.

Legal Requirements to Record First Aid Incidents

In the United Kingdom, the management of first aid falls under the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. These regulations require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel for first aid. More importantly, they are obligated to record and report certain incidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013. This includes a range of injuries and incidents, from workplace accidents to occupational diseases.

Where to Record First Aid Incidents

First aid incidents should be recorded in a First Aid Record Book or log. You can record incidents either a physical book, or digitally in a secure computer system. Either way, it must serve as a formal, unified log of all workplace incidents where first aid was administered.

What to Record in a First Aid Book?

Details to be recorded include the date and time of the incident, personal details of the injured person (while respecting privacy), a description of the injury or illness, and the treatment provided.

Data Protection and Privacy

When recording first aid incidents, it’s crucial to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Personal information must be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Records should be stored securely, with access limited to authorised personnel. This ensures both the privacy of individuals and the integrity of the data.

Effective record-keeping is a combination of consistency and adherence to best practises. It’s advisable to review these records regularly, retain them for a specified period (usually three years), and ensure they are accessible to authorised personnel only.

Why Recording First Aid Incidents is Important

Recording first aid incidents is crucial for several reasons, as follows:

Legal Compliance

In many jurisdictions, including the UK, there are legal requirements for businesses and organisations to record and report certain types of incidents, injuries, and illnesses. These records are often required by occupational health and safety laws and regulations, such as the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) 2013 in the UK.

Health and Safety Management & improvement

Recording first aid incidents helps in identifying patterns or trends in workplace injuries or health issues. This data can be crucial for risk assessment and developing strategies to prevent future incidents. By analysing these records, an organisation can identify hazardous areas or practises and take corrective action to prevent future incidents.

Medical Follow-Up and Treatment

First aid records provide detailed information about the nature of the injury or illness, and the initial treatment given. This information can be invaluable for medical professionals if further treatment is required. It ensures continuity of care and informs healthcare providers about the initial response to the injury or illness.

Insurance and Legal Claim

In the event of an insurance claim or legal action, first aid records can serve as important documentation. They provide a factual account of the incident and the immediate response, which can be crucial in legal or insurance proceedings.

Employee Welfare

Keeping records demonstrates a commitment to employee welfare and workplace safety. It shows that the employer takes health and safety seriously and is proactive in addressing any issues that arise.

How to Get My Team Trained on First Aid Quickly?

This is easy and convenient to do online. With an affordable online first aid course, you can do your legal due diligence, thus protecting your business, while also safeguarding your staff. Click here to see our fully accredited, legally compliant first aid course that our first aid trainers have created for UK businesses.


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